Just Around The Corner, a women’s clothing consignment shop in Ridgeway, is once again protected by a guard dog . . . well, sort of. After the death of her beloved 20-something-year-old Labradoodle named Rags last year, the shop’s co-owner Judy Miller said she’s missed her constant companion who went to work with her every day. While Rags probably slept more than he guarded, he was a customer favorite. Recently, Miller adopted a new pet from the Fairfield Animal Adoption Center, a 1-year old Airedale/Terrier mix named Beck. According to Miller, Beck is settling into his store duties just fine, greeting and wagging his tail every time a shopper enters. “I miss Rags so much, but I’m already growing to love this one,” Miller said, scruffing Beck’s ears. “It’s great having a dog in the shop again. And,” Miller added, “I hope all Rags’ shopper friends will stop in to meet Beck.”
Beck in Business–
January 24, 2013 By