BLYTHEWOOD – Neighbors on Rimer Pond Road will meet at the Wendy’s in downtown Blythewood at 10 a.m. Saturday to discuss the proposed 48-inch waterline slated for construction on their properties.
Residents on the east side of the road received letters in the mail just before Christmas from the City of Columbia’s Department of Utilities and Engineering, asking residents along the road to sign and return a form granting permission to the Department to survey their properties and take soil samples. The letter was written by Hector Garcia, Right-of-Way Agent for the Department’s Real Estate Division.
When asked Tuesday morning about the status of the survey, Garcia referred The Voice to the Department’s Public Affairs office or to Joey Jaco in the Water and Engineering Department. When contacted, Jaco said the survey phase was still underway and that there was no exact timetable for the project. Jaco said the surveyors must have written permission from a homeowner before they can go on a property to survey or test the soil.
During a phone interview in early January, Jaco told The Voice that the purpose of the proposed water line was to improve water pressure and flow services to Northeast Columbia.
“It is also our intent to provide water service to the properties along Rimer Pond Road,” Jaco said.
The letter states that, during the survey phase, “No trees will be cut or other physical damages inflicted to your property or its improvements.”
Once the city acquires the easements, however, Jaco said trees and other improvements in the acquired easements could be removed by the City. Jaco said he expected the entire survey and easement acquisition process to be completed in about a year.
Jaco said those residents who agree to receive Columbia water must sign a covenant to be annexed into the City of Columbia should their property ever become contingent with the City.