Fairfield Central High School and the Magnet School for Math and Science, are coming to the “small screen” this month as part of SCETV’s educational series “In Our Schools.”
The series will air a feature on coordinated health education programs to show how working together for good health impacts student learning as part of National Nutrition Month.
This program, developed by the SC Department of Education’s SC Healthy Schools, will showcase the efforts of South Carolina schools and their community partners to implement best practices, programs and policies that provide students and staff with improved nutrition and more physical activity opportunities throughout the school day. Working together with their communities, these schools use a coordinated school heath approach, providing opportunities for their students to learn and practice positive health behaviors so they can be fit, healthy and ready to learn.
In addition to the Fairfield County schools, the March 24 episode will visit schools in the Greenville County School District and the Colleton County School District.