The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Blythewood Daylily Growers Honored

BLYTHEWOOD – Jim and Peggy Jeffcoat, owners of Singing Oakes Garden in Blythewood, were honored last week by the American Hemerocallis Society (American Daylily Society) at the group’s national convention in Asheville, N.C. The couple was presented the Steve Moldovan Mentoring Award, one of the highest honors bestowed by the organization.

The Jeffcoats have been members of the AHS since 1981, and their daylily garden, recognized as one of the top daylily gardens in the country, has been on the AHS national tour several times. The award recognized the couple for their life-long mentoring efforts, from organizing their local club, The Mid-Carolina Daylily Society, in 1987 to their continuous service as elected leaders in the national organization to developing an AHS Display Garden at Riverbanks Zoological and Botanical Gardens in Columbia.

They are both garden and exhibition judges and have long taken the lead in training daylily judges, writing journal articles and conducting workshops for other clubs. They frequently give talks on their own hybridizing programs at Singing Oakes Garden.

During the presentation, the Jeffcoats were lauded for the wisdom they have imparted over the years to newer daylily addicts, their leadership of Mid-Carolina Daylily Society and the advice they have generously shared with many AHS members.