BLYTHEWOOD – During his last meeting as a Blythewood Town Councilman, Bob Massa, who is relocating with his wife, Teresa, to Seneca this week, was wished well by his fellow Councilmen on Monday evening.
“These presentations are usually fun for me,” Mayor J. Michael Ross said as he presented Massa a plaque recognizing his service to the Town, “but this one is not fun.”
Ross then read the plaque, which thanked Massa for his leadership and dedication to the Town.
Massa became active in the Town’s politics in 2010, writing columns for The Voice both criticizing what he felt were government missteps and making suggestions for improved government. He later served as Chairman on both the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. In 2014 Massa was elected to serve on Town Council and was tapped by his fellow Councilmen as Mayor pro tempore.
While Massa was popular with the public, his government service was not without drama. While serving as Chairman of the Planning Commission, fellow commissioners Mike Switzer and Neal McLean, in a much publicized political move, tried unsuccessfully to unseat Massa as Chairman calling for a vote for his removal. However, Massa received a resounding vote of confidence from his fellow commissioners and continued in the position. He was easily elected to Council the next election cycle.
As a former Finance Director of the City of Forest Acres, Massa, a CPA, brought both financial expertise and municipal government experience to the table.
“His expertise is going to be sorely missed,” Councilman Eddie Baughman told The Voice. “He served us well.”