BLYTHEWOOD (Nov. 23, 2016) – After four bids were opened last September for construction of an amphitheater in Doko Meadows, Council has had several delays bringing the bids to a vote. That vote is expected to take place at Monday evening’s Council meeting.
The base bid includes the amphitheater stage and pavilion and the concrete pad in front of the stage. The add alternate bid includes installation of the interior radial sidewalks that connect to the road and the handicap parking areas.
The low base bid was submitted by AOS Contractors at $415,893. Their bid for the sidewalk alternative came in at $54,884, for a total of $470,777.
The low bid for both the base bid and the add alternative was submitted by Digging Deep Construction. Their base bid came in at $426,900 with the alternative adding $40,280 to the price, for a total of $467,180.
Rick McMackin’s Landplan Group South was selected by Town Council last June as the architect for the design of the proposed amphitheater and is responsible for site prep/demolition, grading, stage retaining walls, concrete stage pad, dance pad, electrical, sound, lighting, landscaping and oversight of the construction of the band shell. McMackin’s contract is for $383,820.
Town Council gave its approval last May to an agreement with Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union for the right to name it the Palmetto Citizen’s Amphitheater. The nearly $400,000 band shell is funded with a grant and pledges from across the community, including $125,000 from the credit union for the naming rights and $25,000 from Fairfield Electric Cooperative.
According to Town Administrator Gary Parker, the amphitheater, which is estimated to seat 2,000 to 3,000, is expected to be completed by mid-summer of 2017.