SPECIAL REFEREE’S SALE 2016-CP-20-0414 BY VIRTUE of a decree heretofore granted in the case of: TD Bank, N.A. against Leesa J. Kemmerlin, et al., I, the undersigned Special Referee for Fairfield County, will sell on November 6, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Fairfield County Courthouse, 101 South Congress Street, Winnsboro, SC 29180, to the highest bidder: All that tract of land with all improvements thereon known as part of the Anderson Quarry tract near the Town of Jenkinsville, in the County of Fairfield, State of South Carolina and being designated as Parcel C on a plat prepared for Winnsboro Granite Corporation by Enwright Surveying, Inc. dated April 11, 1983, revised May 20, 1987, and recorded July 6, 1987 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Plat Cabinet B at Page 381, containing eight and two hundred fourteen one-thousandths (8.214) acres, more or less, (including 0.39 acres in road right of way). Reference is being made to said plat for a more complete and accurate description as to metes, bounds, courses and distances, all measurements being a little more or less. This conveyance is subordinate to the right of way for the paved public road as well as for the road marker “excluded from S.C. Hwy. Dept. system”. Also conveyed hereby, to the extent that they affect the within described premises and to that extent only, all rights conveyed to Winnsboro Granite Corporation under deed from South Carolina Railroad Museum, Inc. recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Book IM of Deeds at Page 136 on December 13, 1985. ALSO: All that tract of land with all improvements thereon and also with all loose stones thereon known as grout, and known as part of the Anderson Quarry tract in the County of Fairfield, State of South Carolina and being designated as Parcel D on a plat prepared for Winnsboro Granit Corporation by Enwright Surveyings, inc., dated April 11, 1983, revised May 20, 1987, and recorded July 6, 1987 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Plat Cabinet B at Page 381, containing twenty-three and five hundred one-thousandths (23.500) acres, more or less, (including 0.39 acres in road right of way). Reference is being made to said plat for a more complete and accurate description as to metes, bounds, courses and distances, all measurements being a little more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT: All that piece, parcel or tract of land together with the buildings and improvements thereon, lying, being and situate in the County of Fairfield, State of South Carolina, about four(4) miles southwest of the corporate limits of the Town of Winnsboro, and as shown on plat made by Glenn Associates, Surveyors, dated September 13, 1995 and recorded September 21, 1995 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Plat Slide 539 at Page 1182, containing 10.24 acres, more or less. Reference is being made to said plat for a more complete and accurate description as to metes, bounds, courses and distances, all measurements being a little more or less. This being the same property conveyed to Leesa J. Kemmerlin by deed of John D. Scheper, dated April 12, 2011 and recorded in the Fairfield County Register of Deeds Office on April 19, 2011 in Book 1028 at Page 230. CURRENT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 469 Anderson Quarry Road, Winnsboro, SC 29180 Parcel No. 159-00-00-013-000 TERMS OF SALE: The successful bidder, other than the plaintiff, will deposit with the Special Referee, at conclusion of the bidding, five percent (5%) of his bid, in cash or equivalent, as evidence of good faith, same be applied to purchase price in case of compliance, but to be forfeited and applied first to costs and then to plaintiff’s debt in the case of non-compliance. Should the last and highest bidder fail or refuse to make the required deposit at the time of bid or comply with the other terms of the bid within twenty (20) days, then the Special Referee may re-sell the property on the same terms and conditions on some subsequent Sales Day (at risk of the said highest bidder). A personal or deficiency judgment being expressly demanded by the Plaintiff, the bidding shall remain open after the date of sale. Purchaser to pay for documentary stamps on Special Referee’s Deed. The successful bidder will be required to pay interest on the amount of the balance of the bid from date of sale to date of compliance with the bid at the rate of 4.875% per annum. SAVE AND EXCEPT ANY RELEASES, DEEDS OF RELEASE, OR PRIOR CONVEYANCES OF RECORD. SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENTS, Fairfield COUNTY TAXES, EXISTING EASEMENTS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, AND OTHER SENIOR ENCUMBRANCES. In the event an agent of Plaintiff does not appear at the time of sale, the within property shall be withdrawn from sale and sold at the next available sales date upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale or such terms as may be set forth in a supplemental order. The Honorable Clyde N. Davis As Special Referee for Fairfield County Bell Carrington & Price, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff
10/19/2017, 10/26/2017, 11/2/2017