Notice of Sale: Guild Mortgage vs. Williams

Notice of Sale

C/A No: 2017-CP-20-00449

BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield County, South Carolina, heretofore issued in the case of Guild Mortgage Company vs. Carroll Gene Williams, Jr. a/k/a Carroll Williams, Jr.; Julia Elizabeth Williams, I the undersigned as Special Referee for Fairfield County, will sell on May 7, 2018 at 11:00 AM, at the County Court House, Fairfield County, South Carolina, to the highest bidder:

Legal Description and Property Address:

All that piece, parcel or lot of land lying, being and situate in Mossydale Section, County of Fairfield, State of South Carolina, containing six (6.0) acres, more or less, and being the southwestern one-fourth of the 24 acre tract shown on plat of C. E. Lackey, made by Columbia Engineering Company, dated June 25, 1948, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Plat Book 3 at Page 176, commencing at the southwestern corner of said 24 acre tract and running north 8 00’ W for 871.5 feet to a point, thence north 88 5’ E for 300 feet to a point, thence south 8 00’ E for 871.5’ to a point on the southerly line of said 24 acre tract, thence south 88 5’ W for 300’ to the point of commencement.


All that certain parcel or lot of land and any improvements thereon lying being and situate approximately 7.5 miles southwest of Winnsboro, in the County of Fairfield, State of South Carolina containing 0.25 acres, more or less, and being more particularly shown as Parcel “C” on a plat prepared by Glenn Associates Land Surveying Company on April 19, 1991, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County at Plat Slide “486” at Page 660, and having such metes, bounds, courses and distances as set out thereon, said plat being incorporated herein by reference. Commencing at the southwestern most corner and running northerly along lands of now or formerly of Harriette B. Thigpen for a distance of 117.11 feet to an iron; thence cornering and running easterly along lands now or formerly of Harry J. Beckham and Josephine Beckham for a distance of 84.77 feet to an iron; thence cornering and running southerly along lands now or formerly of Harry J. Beckham and Josephine Beckham for a distance of 114.64 feet to an iron; thence cornering and running westerly for a distance of 108.14 feet along lands now or formerly of Harry J. Beckham and Josephine Beckham to the point of beginning. Be all measurements a little more or less.

TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive and perpetual easement of right of way, for ingress, egress, and regress, for vehicles of all descriptions and kinds, for pedestrians and for utilities, being shown as ‘”Dirt Drive” and designated on that certain plat of survey prepared for Josephine F. Beckham by Glenn Associates Land Surveying Company dated April 19, 1991 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Slide “486” of Plats at Page 660, said easement commences at a point within Mossydale-Greenbrier Road (a/k/a Greenbrier Mossydale Road) and running in a northeasterly direction, thence turning and continuing in a westerly direction onto property formerly of Harriett B. Thigpen, now of Rossie C. Thigpen, all of which is more fully shown on said plat. Said right of way being an easement appurtenant and shall run with the land.

This being the same property conveyed unto Carroll Gene Williams, Jr. and Julie Elizabeth Williams by Deed of Rossie C. Thigpen dated March 16, 2015 and recorded March 18, 2015 in Book 1184 at Page 258, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Fairfield County, South Carolina.  Thereafter, Julia Elizabeth Williams conveyed her interest in the subject property to Carroll Williams, Jr. by Quit Claim Deed dated March 24, 2016 and recorded March 24, 2016 in Book 1224 at Page 195, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Fairfield County, South Carolina.

4070 Greenbrier Mossydale Road

Winnsboro, SC 29180

TMS# 198-00-01-023-000

TERMS OF SALE:  For cash. Interest at the current rate of Four and 00/100 (4.00%) to be paid on balance of bid from date of sale to date of compliance. The purchaser to pay for papers and stamps, and that the successful bidder or bidders, other than the Plaintiff therein, will, upon the acceptance of his or her bid, deposit with the Special Referee for Fairfield County a certified check or cash in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of bid on said premises at the sale as evidence of good faith in bidding, and subject to any resale of said premises under Order of this Court; and in the event the said purchaser or purchasers fail to comply with the terms of sale within Thirty (30) days, the Special Referee shall forthwith resell the said property, after the due notice and advertisement, and shall continue to sell the same each subsequent sales day until a purchaser, who shall comply with the terms of sale, shall be obtained, such sales to be made at the risk of the former purchaser. Since a personal or deficiency judgment is waived, the bidding will not remain open but compliance with the bid may be made immediately. If the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s representative does not appear at the above-described sale, then the sale of the property will be null, void, and of no force and effect. In such event, the sale will be rescheduled for the next available sales day. Plaintiff may waive any of its rights, including its right to a deficiency judgment, prior to sale. Sold subject to taxes and assessments, existing easements and restrictions of record.

Ross Burton

Special Referee for Fairfield County

Winnsboro, South Carolina

__________________, 2018

Hutchens Law Firm

P.O. Box 8237

Columbia, SC 29202


4/19/18, 4/26/18,5/3/18

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]