State of South Carolina
County of Fairfield
In the Probate Court
Information to Heirs and Devisees
Case Number: 2018ES2000113
In the Matter of: Estate of Daisy May Smith
On June 20th, 2018, Application/Petition was made to the Probate Court of Fairfield County at P. O. Box 385 Winnsboro, SC 29180, for IMFORMAL APPOINTMENT in the above matter.
This Notice is being directed to: James Farley, Jeroba Wright, Johnny Wright, and for any other unknown heir at law of Daisy May Smith, whose addresses are unknown.
My application/petition was granted within the past thirty days on June 20, 2018.
Applicant/Personal Representative Name: Paula M. Callery
Address: 390 S. Shell Road
Winnsboro, SC 29180
06/21/18, 06/28/18, 07/05/18