The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Don’t miss the Palmetto Crescent and Star

Looking for magnificent live entertainment these days while still practicing social distancing?

It’s as close as your back yard this week. High in the southern horizon after sunset shines a brilliant representation of the Palmetto crescent moon and star. At least that’s how it appeared to South Carolinians on Sunday night when the crescent moon and Venus were in conjunction and appeared close together as on the Palmetto flag.

The bright ‘evening star’ Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky, second only to the moon. It will be its brightest of the year tomorrow evening, Tuesday, April 28.

After this week, it will slowly start to dim again before disappearing in the sun’s glare at the end of May. When it reappears in June, it will be a ‘morning star.’

This graphic is a rendition of how the crescent moon and Venus appeared in the night sky over South Carolina Sunday night.

Go outside tonight, and look up.