The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

BW July 3 fireworks postponed

BLYTHEWOOD – Council voted Monday night to postpone the annual July 3 fireworks event until another patriotic day such as Veteran’s Day or Purple Heart Day.

Steve Hasterok, events manager at The Manor, told council members that many of the services that are needed to carry out the event and make it safe will not be available.

“EMS cannot provide coverage,” Hasterok said. “We might have one ambulance, but that’s not guaranteed for the duration. They are just not scheduling any event coverage. The same with the Sheriff’s Department. We would probably get some coverage from the Sheriff, but not a lot.”

Councilman Eddie Baughman said he was concerned about the heat, the fireworks, a potential fire and other emergencies that can take place at a fireworks event.

“The fire department may not even be able to provide a fire truck,” Baughman said. “I would want to look at postponing the fireworks until a safer time.”

Hasterok said other July fireworks events have been postponed or cancelled outright at Fort Jackson, Lake Wateree, City of Columbia, Goose Creek and others.

“Other Richland County parks are not allowing any indoor or outdoor events,” Hasterok said.

“We have a lot of events scheduled besides the fireworks,” Hasterok said. “And some of them would have to use the amphitheater and amphitheaters are still closed by the governor.

“A lot will depend on what the Governor says this week,” Franklin said. “We’re having a zoom meeting next week [tentatively scheduled for Monday, June 29], so maybe we can talk about it then.”

Council has budgeted more than $150,000 for events for the summer, fall and spring.