BLYTHEWOOD – The Richland County Sheriff’s Foundation (RCSF) will hold the annual Leon Lott Golf Classic in Blythewood at the Columbia Country Club Monday, Sept. 18, Registration begins at 8 a.m. with a 10 .m. shotgun start. Lunch will be served during play and dinner with a live auction will immediately follow the tournament.
Proceeds from the tournament will go to equip deputies with the tools necessary to perform their duties safely and enable them to provide effective and efficient protection to Richland County Citizens and visitors. Foundation members say that in these financially difficult times, agency budgets are being trimmed and only the most basic law enforcement functions are being funded.
Besides providing life- saving equipment such as bullet proof vests, walkie-talkies and proactive enforcement programs like the Bike Patrol and Kid Print, tournament funds also go to assisting families of officers killed in the line-of-duty, and deputies who are experiencing hardships due to illness or injury.
To register visit or call Joni James, RCSF President at (803) 429-6659 for more information.
The Columbia Country Club is located at 135 Columbia Club Drive in LongCreek Plantation subdivision in Blythewood.