The Voice has provided space for each of the local candidates to talk about their candidacy, and here is what they had to say. These comments are unedited.
Erin Mosley, SC Senate Dist. 17 Candidate

My name is Erin Mosley and I am the Republican candidate for SC Senate District 17. I am a lifelong conservative Republican and believe in accountability, transparency, trust and integrity in all elected officials. I believe in limited government, less taxation, school choice and being a voice you can trust for all citizens of District 17.
I am pro life, pro law enforcement, pro education, and pro veterans issues. We need representation at the state level to defend life. We should always support the precious gift of life and continue to be a voice for the voiceless.
Law enforcement officers are vitally important to the preservation of our communities in maintaining safety and building relationships with citizens. I would not support defunding the police. I will always support our law enforcement across South Carolina.
I believe in all avenues of the education system. I believe that parents should always be able to decide where their child should attend school. Parents should always have the choice to ensure their child’s educational success no matter if it is a virtual, private, charter or public school. I am the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran, my dad served 2 tours in Vietnam and was a Purple Heart recipient. We owe every liberty and freedom we have to our veterans. They will always have my attention, support and I look forward to better meeting the needs of our veterans.
I am a resident of Chester County and graduated from Lewisville High School in 1994. I went directly into the workforce from high school and soon after graduated from Cosmetology school. I worked as a hair stylist until my husband and I started a family. I am founding member of the Progressive Association of Chester County Communities a non-profit 501 (c)3 that serves all of Chester County communities. There I served as secretary, board member, and now the current president until 2021. In 2016, I became Chairman of the Chester County Republican Party. In 2018, I was appointed to the Chester County Zoning Board of Appeals. One of my favorite quotes is, “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under,” by Ronald Reagan.
I would appreciate your vote and I look forward to serving District 17.
Senator Mike Fanning, District 17 Incumbent, did not submit any comments.
Annie E. McDaniel, SC House Dist. 41 Incumbent

I know District 41 and will fight tirelessly for it because I have lived here virtually all of my life. I am a lifelong resident of Fairfield County and have been educated by our public schools. I am a proud alumna of the University of South Carolina (UofSC) where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, major in Accounting. I later returned to UofSC and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and completed two Ph.D. level education administration courses in Finance.
I served 18 years on the Fairfield County School Board which provided awesome preparation for my next journey.
In November of 2018, I was elected to the SC General Assembly to represent District 41. My 2018 bid was historic because I became the first African American since reconstruction, and the only African American woman to ever hold this seat and represent District 41. Our destiny as a State and District are truly tied together as one and I am committed to ensuring that our destiny is bright!
Noteworthy accomplishments include: first freshman legislator to get a bill passed (E-Rate expansion) and my appointment as the SC State Director for the National Women in Government Organization. I proudly serve on the Medical, Military, Public, and Municipal Affairs Committee and COVID-19 Employment, Workforce and Business Recovery Committee. Endorsements include: SC Education PAC Council, Planned Parenthood, AFL-CIO, Realtors Association and Care in Action. I have written several press releases, the latest was published in The State Newspaper “On Health Care Training” which emphasizes the need for the state to offer free or reduced education cost for Health Care New Hires and Health Care Education. I assisted constituents with various matters due to the Pandemic. I awarded scholarships to assist students with pursing their educational goals. I was the first to expose House District 41 to the Food Boxes. Please contact me to discuss additional accomplishments or other issues.
I assisted with exposing House District 41 in many ways, to include representation and state and national conferences and conventions and ensuring that several of the Presidential Candidates visited SC. The Lt. Governor and I have worked on several projects to benefit House District 41 and the State.
I am proud of the work I have accomplished thus far and am dedicated to continuing to fight for you and your families. I would be honored to receive your support on November 3rd.
Jennifer Brecheisen, House Dist. 41 Candidate

I am an artist, a mother, and a Christian-not a politician. I am running, because in this time of uncertainty we need people in office that know the needs, fears, and struggles of the working class in SC. I believe a Congresswoman should be humble but also assertive and bold to be able to fight for her constituents. My slogan is Progress the Right Way – that means we need a foundation as a starting point from which to progress. That foundation is our Constitution. I believe taxes should be low, we should feel safe, our children should have good educations, and we should have the infrastructure in place to be able to live our very own American Dream right here in SC.
I would like to lead District 41 and South Carolina to freedom. My plan to achieve this is very specific. Here are just a few points within that plan.
Introduce legislation to ban all city and statewide mask mandates. As a person with Lupus, RA, and Sjogren’s Syndrome, I understand the fears of those with compromised immune systems. I believe anyone that feels they need a mask for protection should be able to wear them. I also know there are people with health issues that prevent them from wearing masks; therefore, I believe South Carolinians should have medical freedom to choose what’s best for them.
Reduce Crime by restoring Constitutional Carry to SC. Our 2nd amendment is paramount to being able to protect ourselves not only from criminals, but also from any dictatorial regime and even our own government. In SC the violent crime rate is 4.9 which is much higher than the national average of 3.7. By definition, a criminal won’t follow the law, but they WILL practice self-preservation. They will be less likely to offend if they know their own life is at stake.
Work to ensure each school district has an in person 5 day per week option and introduce legislation to let you put your child’s educational money where you want it. You do not need any group indoctrinating your children with values you don’t agree with no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on.
Liberty can ONLY be protected by we the people. No one should be dictating to us whether we can breathe or protect ourselves. We don’t want the government in our lives, our wallets, or our children’s minds.
Will Montgomery, Sheriff Incumbent

In the time that I’ve served as the Sheriff of Fairfield County we’ve made many positive changes to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Fairfield County. Some of our accomplishments from the past 6 years are listed below.
- Crime rate is down.
- Drug arrest are up.
- We’re more involved with our communities.
- We’ve added 6 new School Resource Officers.
- More training available to all employees.
- More deputies on patrol in our communities.
- Updated technology.
- Added a Gang Task Force.
- Added a K-9 position.
- We’ve built stronger relationships with other agencies. (Local, State and Federal)
- A complete fitness gym to help keep employees in good physical shape.
- We reorganized our rank structure to improve order in our chain of command.
- We reorganized all call signs to improve communications.
- We improved our communications with our citizens with social media and the use of Reverse 911.
- We’re one of the first law enforcement agencies in the United States to issue body cameras to all of the deputies on patrol.
- We’ve improved the way we investigate all internal complaints.
- We’ve built a good relationship with all media outlets.
- Open door policy in place to improve availability.
- More community meetings conducted across the county.
- A good working relationship with our County Council.
- We’ve received over $1.5 million dollars from grants. (Equipment and training)
- Pay increases and added benefits for all employees.
- Church security program.
- Citizen’s Advisory Committee.
- Security check program.
- New evidence room.
We’ve never gone over budget to make these changes.
These are just a few of our accomplishments in the past 6 years, and I look forward to continuing our progress in the right direction for the future of our County.
Thanks to all of my supporters for making this possible .Please Vote November 3, for proven leadership and a Sheriff that is familiar with our County.
Ed “Eddie” Jenkins, Sheriff Candidate

Our communities deserve to have the best minds and manpower as well as equipment to protect and serve Fairfield County, and to take back our communities from crime! As your Sheriff, I will see to it that this becomes a reality.
Sheriff William Montgomery recently stated on social media that crime in Fairfield County is low, but I beg to differ. Since that statement, we all know that many of our communities have experienced shootings and have been terrorized by violent individuals who are taking over and destroying what Fairfield County truly stands for.
In fact, over the course of six (6) years, Fairfield County has been heavy plagued with multiple gun violence incidents in which people were wounded and/or killed: Within the last few months, there was a shooting at the Deerwood Apartments, which lead to another gun victim, threats of gun violence occurred at the Element Industrial Plant and two recent shootings caused mayhem in the Greenbrier and Ridgeway areas. In addition, in speaking with concerned citizens, I found that there have been several gun violence incidents that resulted in unsolved murder cases and did not make it through Grand Jury because of the lack of evidence.
As your sheriff, I will provide swift response and thorough investigations of all crimes. We need a sheriff who is assertive and will always exert strong leadership!
In speaking with many individuals and through close observations, I discovered that there are no programs in place in Fairfield County to prevent rising gun violence. Therefore, my goal is to formulate an effective plan to reduce gun violence throughout our county.
Sheriff William Montgomery has failed us! He has not established a partnership with our communities and that is why violent encounters have occurred rapidly during his six years as Sheriff of Fairfield County. Community policing tactics are not effective because many of the citizens, particularly our youths, either fear or have no respect for the deputies. I want to remind the Fairfield County citizens that we did not have all these acts of gun violence during former Sheriff Herman Young’s era.
Sheriff Montgomery stated that he added a Gang Task Force, but citizens feel that our youths are heavily involved in gang activities and recent shootings are gang related. Local news sources and citizens insist that no arrest has occurred.
As your Sheriff, I will partnership with the community to implement an effective plan that will focus on youth violence prevention.
Vote for ED “Eddie” Jenkins for Sheriff of Fairfield County on Nov. 3, 2020
Paula Meisner Hartman, FCSD District 2 Trustee Incumbent

It has been my privilege to serve on the Fairfield County School District Board of Trustees for eight years. It has been a challenging, fulfilling experience. I first ran for the board in 2012, out of my love for children and this county and to help the school district be the best it can be.
Today, I am running for a third term with those same goals but with a broader understanding of my role and responsibilities as a member of the board.
The ultimate job of the school district, of course, is to provide a quality education for our children, to provide the rigorous instruction that will give them the tools to be successful – to be college, job or military ready.
It has been my personal goal as a board member to make careful suggestions that are right for the students, the district and the community – suggestions that will guide the district in the right direction, even when I stand alone.
While I have a degree in child development from the University of South Carolina and have continued my education in dyslexia, ADD and ADHD, I am not an educational expert. But my education, my willingness to learn, my experience on the board and as a parent and grandparent gives me the ability to research and draw on knowledgeable sources to reach sound decisions.
I have lived in Ridgeway most of my life and enjoy serving my community. I know my constituents, and I know they expect not only a well-run school district, but one that is also transparent and responsive to the community. Our school district is one of the most financially blessed school districts in all of South Carolina. But we must always strive to make the most of our financial blessings in order to help our students succeed.
While my basic role on the board is to help set the school’s vision, implement policy, oversee the budget and hire and evaluate the superintendent, my overall goal is our students’ success, real success, now and for the rest of their lives – that’s what every parent wants for their child.
As a board member, honesty, openness and ensuring our students’ success have been a hallmark of my service. I ask for your vote on or before Nov. 3 so that I might continue to represent District 2 on the FCSD Board of Trustees.
J. Renee Green, FCSD District 2 Trustee Candidate

My name is J. Renee Green. I am running for the School Board of Fairfield County. I am a lifelong educator, with over 35 years of classroom teaching experience; the majority of that teaching experience has been within Fairfield County School District. Education is, without question, my passion and purpose. It is my goal to bring this passion and knowledge to the Fairfield County School Board.
I have been blessed to walk in my purpose as a Special Education teacher here in Fairfield County. For over 30 years, I have educated, embraced, and advocated for every child entrusted to my care. I understand what educators and school personnel need to be successful. I also understand the importance experience plays in making sound decisions that will help grow every child that walks through the doors of Fairfield County Schools. My experience will also play an important role in making sound decisions that help educators teach, help alleviate some of the stress they may feel, and help promote love walking into our school buildings every day!
As a classroom teacher, I realize the importance of representation. Not only will I represent and speak for educators, I will also represent and speak for parents. Both of my children are products of Fairfield County Schools, so I have the unique experience of being both a teacher and parent in Fairfield County Schools. This knowledge and experience will serve as a guiding light for practices that are in the best interest of our children, parents, educators, and staff.
In addition to being a public school educator for over 30 years in Fairfield County, I am also highly active in the community. A few of the community and school-based activities I am or have been involved in include, but are not limited to, coordinator for the Special Olympics (10+ years), advisor for the Fairfield County Youth Council of the NAACP (5+ years), volunteer at Lake Wateree Dutchman Creek Fire Department, coordinator for the Recycling Initiative, trainer for Fairfield County School-Wide Discipline Initiative, advisor for the Teen Institute, and job coach for students with disabilities.
As a Fairfield County School Board Trustee, I will help ensure all students are prepared to transition to their next level of learning. I will be accessible to the public and continue to bring first-hand experience, positivity, and teamwork to our district! Together WE succeed!
Joe Seibles, FCSD District 4 Trustee Candidate

As a lifelong resident of Fairfield County, a product of Fairfield County School District schools, and a retired educator and school administrator, I love my community. I am also a parent of three Fairfield County graduates and a grandparent of three current students in the district. I will provide relevance to the board from an educator and a parental perspective. I am running for Fairfield County School District School Board because I care about our students, teachers, bus drivers, custodians, food service workers, resource officers and all the people who make up our schools in Fairfield. I want to give them the support they deserve, and I want our community to have a voice in our schools.
I want to let each voter know that their vote matters. I would like to have your vote because I believe that I can help improve the quality of education for our residents. My primary focus would be to work on programs that would benefit all students.
I would greatly appreciate your vote on or before November 3rd.
Carrie Suber, FCSD District 4 Candidate, did not submit any comments.