The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

To help a child

BLYTHEWOOD – When Fairfield County hosted its first annual ‘Keep Going’ Walk 4 Life event, Todd Frick and his wife, Jillian, of Blythewood participated. They walked the next year as well.

Todd Frick shows off his shorn long locks that he donated to a children’s charity.

When Todd noticed that participants in the walk could donate their hair to a worthy cause if the hair met certain criteria, he decided right then to let his hair grow and donate it, he recalls.

He did, and last month Miranda Sawyer at Blown Away Hair Salon cut his pony tail off and Todd donated it to ‘Children with Hair Loss,’ an organization that assists children who have a medically related hair loss issue.

“I just wanted to help someone in need and honor a coworker who is a breast cancer survivor,” Todd said. 

To donate hair for this or another worthy cause, go to the Fairfield County Breast Cancer Support Group FB page.