The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

McMaster, DHEC announce vaccine availability to 65+

COLUMBIA – On Wednesday, Governor Henry McMaster and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced that beginning Monday, Feb. 8, any South Carolina resident aged 65 or older, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions, can schedule an appointment to receive COVID-19 vaccine. DHEC’s online tool at shows locations currently accepting appointments for COVID-19 vaccine and provides contact information for scheduling appointments at those locations.

With increased vaccine allocations from the federal government and a streamlined, statewide vaccination plan, it is now appropriate to expand the number of South Carolinians eligible to receive vaccine. However, supply of the vaccine remains limited for the time being.

 Additional steps to expedite access to additional South Carolinians – including teachers and others in Phase 1b – will be made based on the use of the vaccine, the number of appointments made, and other information on vaccine supply.

 “We have a moral and ethical duty to first vaccinate the South Carolinians who are at the highest risk of dying from the virus,” said Gov. Henry McMaster. “Today’s action will save lives and allow our teachers to be vaccinated next.”

 In South Carolina there are currently 458 activated COVID-19 vaccine sites, many of which are currently accepting appointments, with the others set to begin accepting appointments soon.