The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

BYBSL’s Fall ball registration ends Aug. 22

BLYTHEWOOD – Registration for Fall ball with the Blythewood Youth Baseball and Softball League (BYBSL) is open now until midnight on Sunday, Aug. 22.

Effective in the Spring 2021 season, Blythewood Softball program merged with Dentsville to create the Sandhills Softball League (SSL). The merger also led to the creation of the Blythewood Baseball League (BBL). Both the SSL and BBL are subsidiaries of the BYBSL, which acts as the board of directors for both leagues.

The BBL offers Wee Ball, Rookie Ball, Coach’s Pitch, Minors, and O-Zone, while the SSL offers four age brackets: Darlings, Angels, Pony Tails and Belles.

To register, visit Teams are limited. If an age bracket is full, registrants will be added to a waitlist.