BLYTHEWOOD – The busiest vendor booth at the Blythewood Artists Guild Holiday Market, held at the Manor in Blythewood last weekend, was the one sponsored by the Fairfield Animal Shelter and Adoption Center.
For the last two years the Guild has invited Holiday Market goers to bring a donation of either money, pet food, or other items for animals housed at the shelter.
“Last year’s donations were really good,” said shelter volunteer Sonja Murphy. “But this year’s donations were way more than we could ever have imagined – both in cash, food and other pet needs. There was a steady flow of people dropping off everything from peanut butter and paper towels, to maybe a dozen 40 – 50 pound bags of pet food and cleaning supplies. It was fantastic and we are so very grateful to the Guild as well as the donors. We really appreciate this heart-warming show of support from the folks in Blythewood. What a wonderful gesture on their part. It was amazing!” Murphy said.

Nikia Claycon, Delores Murphy and Geverix Murphy Ann Bynum
Mamie Turner and Tamara Day Susan Pence
Sharron Specciati and Donna Palmieri Susan Pence