The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Be an angel by adopting an angel

WINNSBORO – This is the 12th year that members of the Fairfield community have come together to participate in the Fairfield County Council on Aging’s Angel Tree event.

To adopt a senior “Angel” – an older member of the community who may not be able to celebrate the holidays with loved ones – members of the community select a paper angel from the tree in the lobby of the FCCOA senior center and fill a banker’s box full of goodies for the senior to enjoy. The boxes are available at the center.

Each angel ornament includes a senior’s age, gender and rough location. Members of the public are encouraged to adopt an angel and fill a box with holiday goodies for that senior and bring it to the FCCOA office. Volunteers deliver these boxes to the senior participants.

Members of the community can participate by either filling the box or by donating items for the FCCOA to fill the angel tree boxes.

Call the office at 803-635-3015 to get involved!