The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Mill Village facing waterline repairs, boil notice advisory

WINNSBORO – The Town of Winnsboro experienced a break in a Mill Village water line on Poplar Street several weeks ago. Repairs of the waterline are set for next week.

The area affected by the repairs will extend to all customers on both sides of Columbia Road from 2nd Street all the way to 11th Street.

“The break is in a four-inch line which, given the age and nature of the Mill Village water system, needs to have a larger section of the pipe removed and replaced,” Assistant Town Manager Chris Clauson said. “The Town staff opted to delay the fix until such time that we could give the public adequate notice of the repairs since the water will be off for several hours while repairs are being conducted.”

Water repairs should be completed between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on March 12.

“After the repairs are complete, Town staff will flush the lines for an extended period in the Mill Village area,” Clauson said.

“There is a minimum of 48 hours after the work is complete that a boil water advisory will be in effect as the Town is required to pull two separate water samples 24 hours apart before the advisory can be lifted,” Clauson said.

Customers with questions can call Town of Winnsboro Water Department at (803) 635-4121 or email Trip Peak at