BW Council files injunction against town’s mayor in regard to his Executive Order #3

Mayor Sloan Griffin

BLYTHEWOOD – In a contentious special called meeting earlier today at 5:15 p.m., four council members voted to file an injunction against the town’s mayor who, on Friday, issued an Executive Order to reinstate positions and employees (with back pay) that had recently been defunded by council.

After various council members asked Blythewood Mayor Griffin to rescind the order to avoid new litigation for the town, the mayor would not back down.

Rich McKenrick

“Will you rescind Executive Order #3 with no strings attached?” Councilman Rich McKenrick asked Griffin toward the end of the meeting.

“I will say this and then I will give my answer,” Griffin replied. “I will fight for the positions Blythewood needs to thrive and grow.”

With that, McKenrick reaffirmed a motion that he had made earlier in the meeting.

“I move that we authorize the town attorney to initiate civil action for declarative and injunctive relief on behalf of the Town of Blythewood and/or council members in their own capacity against Mayor Sloan Griffin in his official capacity and/or his individual capacity in regard to his Executive Order #3, dated Jan. 31, 2025. The attorney is authorized to engage outside legal counsel to represent the Town of Blythewood and four council members in their official capacity in pursuant to the civil action.”

Griffin called for the vote.

“This is absolutely ridiculous and should not be going on. Yes,” said Councilwoman Erica Page. Council members Donald Brock, Andrea Fripp, and McKenrick followed suit, each one voting “Yes.”

Griffin voted “No.”

Town Attorney Pete Balthazar was going to immediately file for the injunction.

Read complete details about the meeting in Thursday’s edition of The Voice.

The following are key provisions of Griffin’s Executive Order No. 3:

  • Reinstatement of Defunded Positions: Employees previously terminated due to budget amendments will be rehired and restored to their prior roles with back pay.
  • Allocation of Funds: Budgeted administrative salary funds will be utilized as initially appropriated to facilitate the reinstatement.
  • New Position Creation: This order also establishes Three Part-Time Public Works Positions under the Clean Sweep Blythewood Initiative to enhance public space maintenance and cleanliness.
  • Commitment to Collaboration: Moving forward, I remain committed to working with the Town Council to uphold the integrity, efficiency, and operational capacity of our government.

Reinstated Positions:

  • Deputy Town Administrator (formerly Assistant Town Administrator)
  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Economic Development/Annexation Coordinator
  • Administrative Assistant

Griffin said the order takes effect immediately, and that impacted employees will return to their roles on February 4, 2025 [Tuesday.]

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]