The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Council Annexes, Rezones Broom Property

BLYTHEWOOD – Town Council passed first reading Monday night to annex and rezone an 11.43 acre property at 1224 and 1232 Blythewood Road from Rural (RU) zoning to Community Commercial (CC) zoning. The property has housed Broom Heating & Air Conditioning for many years. Town Administrator John Perry told Council that the property is located near the intersection of Blythewood Road and Fulmer Road and across Blythewood Road from a future Richland 2 school site. He said the area surrounding the property being annexed is designated for commercial zoning in the Town’s Master Plan. Perry said Community Commercial, the equivalent to the Town’s former General Commercial zoning, is appropriate for the area. The second and final reading for annexation and zoning on the property will be held at Council’s next regular meeting at 7 p.m. on June 24 at the Manor building.