Scout Motors to testify at statehouse hearing on SC Consumer Freedom Act

COLUMBIA – On Wednesday morning, Scout Motors will testify with other consumer freedom advocates at the South Carolina Statehouse in favor of H.3777, the SC Consumer Freedom Act. This legislation creates an additional option for consumers who want to purchase a new vehicle, allowing them to buy directly from manufacturers that do not have any […]

BW Council files for injunction against mayor

McKenrick: You’re Hiring Your Friends BLYTHEWOOD – In a contentious special called meeting on Monday, Feb. 3, Blythewood Town Council members voted 4-1 to authorize the town’s attorney to file for an injunction against Mayor Sloan Griffin to stop him from implementing an executive order (#3) that he had issued on Friday, Jan. 31, 2024. […]

BW Council files injunction against town’s mayor in regard to his Executive Order #3

BLYTHEWOOD – In a contentious special called meeting earlier today at 5:15 p.m., four council members voted to file an injunction against the town’s mayor who, on Friday, issued an Executive Order to reinstate positions and employees (with back pay) that had recently been defunded by council. After various council members asked Blythewood Mayor Griffin […]

Mayor issues Executive Order for reinstatement of positions, employees with back pay that were defunded by council

Special called meeting of council scheduled for 5:15 p.m., Monday, Feb. 3 BLYTHEWOOD – Blythewood Mayor Sloan Griffin has issued an Executive Order to implement the reinstatement of positions and employees (with back pay) recently defunded by council. [According to Councilman Rich McKenrick, a special called meeting is scheduled for 5:15 p.m. on Monday, Feb. […]

BW Town Administrator Daniel Stines resigns

BLYTHEWOOD – Blythewood Town Administrator Daniel Stines submitted a letter of resignation to town council and Mayor Sloan Griffin on Wednesday, Jan. 29. “After careful consideration,” Stines wrote, “I have decided to move my family back to North Carolina. I have been presented with an opportunity to help build back a Western North Carolina town. […]

Attorney General renders opinions on Griffin’s employee hiring & funding practices

AG Responds With Mixed Opinions BLYTHEWOOD – After Mayor Sloan Griffin created two positions and hired two employees to fill them last fall without notifying council he was doing so, council met in a special called meeting on Dec. 5, 2024, and voted 4-0 to pass the first of two required readings of an amendment […]

Fairfield County audit late again; contract workers brought in to help

WINNSBORO – Fairfield County’s Interim County Administrator Clay Killian announced at Monday night’s council meeting that the county audit is going to be late again. He said he has brought in contract financial people to help his financial staff finish out the year and get the books closed. [Update: In answer to a question from […]

Blythewood Town Council makes appointments to boards, commissions

BLYTHEWOOD – Blythewood Town Council voted Monday night to make two new appointments to the Town’s boards and commissions. Katasha Hyacinthe, a resident of Cobblestone Park, was appointed to the planning commission, and Mario Lewis, also a resident of Cobblestone Park, was appointed to the board of zoning appeals. Both said they are newcomers to […]

McMeekin challenged by Chatman

Burroughs, Prather Unopposed for Council WINNSBORO – Four candidates have filed to run in the Town of Winnsboro general election to be held April 1, 2025. Candidates for mayor include current Mayor John McMeekin and current Town Councilman Demetrius Chatman. Two town council members, Jae Burroughs and Janice Bartell, are running unopposed for their seats. […]

Blythewood mayor issues executive order

BLYTHEWOOD – Mayor Sloan Griffin issued an Executive Order Tuesday morning to announce that town hall would be closing Tuesday at noon. It was the second Executive Order he has issued in 11 days. Thursday’s Order was Executive Order No. 2, a formal announcement that town hall’s closure was due to the possibility of inclement […]

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]