The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Council OK’s Water for Pointe

WINNSBORO (March 18, 2016) – Town Council Tuesday night gave the OK to a formal resolution to provide water for The Pointe at Blythewood, a multi-family residential development slated for 423 Main St., Blythewood.

According to the agreement, Winnsboro will reserve 19,200 gallons per day of capacity for the 56-unit apartment complex recently renamed Just The Pointe, while developers Prestwick Development of Atlanta, Ga., will pony up $57,000 in impact and meter fees.

Impact fees include $7,500 for two 1-inch multi-family meters and $22,500 for three 1 ½-inch multi-family meters. Impact fees must be paid within 180 days of the signing of the agreement.

Meter fees include $6,750 for the two 1-inch multi-family meters and $20,250 for the three 1 ½-inch multi-family meters. Meter fees will be paid before installation and within eight months of the signing of the contract.