The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Council OK’s Historic Sign Ordinance

BLYTHEWOOD (Oct. 27, 2016) – Town Council Monday night passed second reading on an ordinance to amend the size of signage on historic buildings in Blythewood.

The ordinance, initiated by the Board of Architectural Review, will increase the height allowed on ground-mounted signs in front of historic properties from 3 to 6 feet. All signage on historic properties, under the new ordinance, will have to be approved by the BAR. The ordinance will also encourage native and heirloom plants in landscaping around historic sites.

Council OK’d second reading unanimously.

Council tabled a decision on bids for construction of the amphitheater at Doko Manor until the architect, Rick McMackin, could be present. McMackin was scheduled to appear before Council Monday but was unable to attend because of travel delays.

According to documents provided by the Town, Blythewood received four bids on the project. The “Base Bid” included the amphitheater stage and pavilion and the concrete pad in front of the stage. The “Add Alternate” bid included installation of the interior radial sidewalks that connect to the road and the handicap parking areas.

The low Base Bid, according to Town documents, was submitted by AOS Contractors at $415,893. Their bid for the sidewalk alternative came in at $54,884, for a total of $470,777.

The low bid for both the Base Bid and the Add Alternative was submitted by Digging Deep Construction. Their Base Bid came in at $426,900, with the Alternative adding $40,280 to the price, for a total of $467,180.

Council postponed a decision on the bid until their next work session in November.

Manor Report

Steve Hasterok, Director of the Manor, told Council that the Manor was $35,000 ahead of where it was after the first nine months of fiscal year 2016.

He also reported that the Manor had suffered some minor damage last Friday after vandals ripped out one of the lights near the back door, dismantled a section of railing and destroyed several planters on the back porch. The incident occurred between approximately 4:45 and 5:30 p.m., Hasterok said.

The vandals left fingerprints behind, he said, and Richland County deputies are investigating.

“I think we have a lead,” Hasterok told Council. “It was probably some kids.”

“Maybe we’ll have some unhappy parents when they have to pay for all the damage,” Councilman Tom Utroska said.