The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Three File for District 5 Race

WINNSBORO (Feb. 2, 2017) – Filling closed Monday with three people entering the race to fill the District 5 seat on County Council, vacated last year when Marion Robinson stepped down for health reasons.

Filing before the noon deadline were:

Douglas Pauley, of Highway 321 S., Winnsboro. Pauley served as a Fairfield County Sheriff’s deputy for 13 years and is currently an insurance agent with Nationwide in Winnsboro. He serves on the board of directors for Fairfield County Behavioral Health Services and is a member of the Winnsboro Lions Club.

James McGraw, of Stoney Circle, Winnsboro, owns a window cleaning franchise and a maintenance/janitorial services company. He is a member of the board of trustees at Fairfield Memorial Hospital and is the board’s past chairman. He is the past vice chairman of the Carolina Community Action Council in Rock Hill and is a member of the Midlands Workforce Development Board. McGraw is also a member of the Greenbrier Bethel Volunteer Fire Department and also serves on the board of directors for Benedict College and Allen University.

Marvin Jeter, of Granite Lane, Winnsboro, is a former Fairfield County code enforcement office, currently working in the mining industry. He is a past member of the Recreation Commission and a current member of the Masonic Unity Lodge 401 in Blackjack.

The special election will be held March 28.