The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

From the Pulpit: Growing in Grace

I spoke to a sister in Christ by phone recently, and she made a very candid admission to me. She stated that until recently she felt selfish in her faith because she knew she had been richly blessed by God and yet had not shared those blessings with others nearly as much as she should have.

Thankfully, as we continued our conversation, she spoke of how she came to the realization that she needed to change. Since that time, she has reached out in a myriad of ways to share with others that which God has blessed her with in her life. More than anything, she desires to better the lives of others around her.

I applaud this dear sister for the effort she is making in her walk with the Lord. She could have remained stagnant in her faith and also in her approach to how she was living her life, but she chose to get out of her comfort zone and grow instead. In essence, she is fulfilling the commandment given us by the apostle Peter in II Peter (3:18): “…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever.”

I believe we would all do well to examine our walk in the Lord. Surely there is room for all of us to “grow in the grace” of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If we would all dare to reach toward greater heights of love and service in the kingdom, just think of the individuals we could help. A better faith on our part will lead to a better life not only for ourselves but also for others. May God give us the courage to grow in grace!