The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

BHS student elected mayor at Palmetto Girls State

CLINTON – Blythewood High School student Cerrin Crawford was elected Mayor of Ferguson City at the 73rd session of the American Legion Auxiliary Palmetto Girls State.


Upon arrival at Girls State, each delegate is assigned to a “city” and on the first night of the program, each city elects a mayor. Mayors were sworn into office on Monday, June 10 by the Hon. Bob McLean, Mayor of the Town of Clinton.

Throughout the remainder of the week, the mayor of each city participated in various leadership roles within city activities. Additional elections were held as the delegates of this year’s program create local governments, devise political party platforms and ultimately choose a Senate, a House of Representatives and state constitutional officers.

The week-long leadership program welcomed 650 rising high school seniors from across the state of South Carolina to experience governmental procedure by simulating political campaigns, elections and the political process.

Crawford was elected to the State House of Representatives later in the week as well.