The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Guest Editorial: Vote for Calvin “Chip” Jackson, a true friend of Blythewood

Tuesday’s Primary election spawned run-offs for two-County Council District’s representing the Town of Blythewood. As Voters return to the polls on June 23 to decide who will represent District 9, Calvin “Chip” Jackson is a candidate and leader Blythewood can count on. He is clearly a friend of Blythewood and has stood up against developers and investors during the contentious Golf Course at Crickentree rezoning debacle as well as several rezoning issues faced by Rimer Pond Road residents. He has attended our community meetings in Blythewood to hear our side of things when our own representative did not attend.


Elected to Council November 2016, Jackson has demonstrated integrity, prudent thinking, and has advocated for the best interests of residents in Blythewood and all of Richland County.  Jackson has been a vocal advocate for better infrastructure and slowing urban sprawl and growth.  Jackson is a County Council representative who sides with the people and puts their interests first.

Richland County Council oversees a nearly $300 million annual budget and a government that runs services ranging from emergency responders to waste management, road construction and land preservation.  In this midst of these decisions, “Chip” Jackson emerges as the moral authority and voice of conscious. This characteristic was most evident in May where after facing a $154 million deficit, Jackson chaired the council’s transportation committee and submitted a revised budget bringing the penny roads plan under budget with an opportunity to finish all planned road improvements.  This type of direct action and respect for tax payer dollars and accountability is what we need on council.  It is apparent that Mr. Jackson commands a deep understanding of the council’s complexities, comes to council meetings prepared to examine the matters at hand, and looks for the best pathway forward and “win-win” scenarios for citizens and residents.

Prior to serving on Council Jackson successfully served eight years on the Richland School District Two School Board where he served two terms as Board Chairman. He has a stellar reputation of honesty, efficiency and possesses skills to bring consensus and understand complex issues for effective outcomes for the greater good. I strongly believe County Council would benefit from his re-election. We truly need his institutional knowledge, insight and keen perspectives as well as a heart for his constituents to ensure that Council is accountable, follows ordinances and keeps residents and citizens in the forefront when making decisions.

Let us not miss this opportunity to send him back to serve. He is truly a friend to Blythewood.

On June 23, please get out and vote and make that vote count for Blythewood by voting for Calvin “Chip” Jackson.