The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: Shakespearean Council

Many are likening our current council meetings to a Shakespearean tragedy because they seem to contain the key elements Shakespeare employed in his tragedies…

Good vs. Bad – There are always those who pretend to serve the kingdom but actually only serve themselves.

A Fatal Flaw – Lack of transparency.

Tragic Waste – Meetings focus on tearing down rather than building up.

Conflict- Personal agendas vs. pro-citizen agendas.

Catharsis – the audience (citizens) feels relief by empathizing with the pain and frustration of the “3” who are trying to do what is right.

Absence of Poetic Justice – there are no winners emerging from these meetings.

Suffering Heroes – Gilbert, Pauley and Robinson.

Soliloquies – Council time too often devoted to nonsensical personal soliloquies.

While it’s been amusing, it’s past time for council to shift from the business of entertaining to the business of enhancing our citizens’ health, welfare and safety.

Randy Bright
