The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Your Local Newspaper is Vital to Community’s Health


The past year has illustrated how desperately communities across our state need a source for local, credible news. No source can be trusted to deliver such news more than your local newspaper.

Quite frankly, many of the important stories in your community would not be covered at all if it weren’t for this newspaper and nearly 90 others across the state just like it. Research shows our communities are stronger when they have a healthy local newspaper.

Your local newspaper’s journalists are dedicated to accurately reporting on stories that matter and impact your community because they live in and care about this community, too.


Whether it be sharing the impact of COVID-19 or holding public officials accountable, your local newspaper is there.

Day in and day out, reporters are digging for facts, interviewing sources and breaking news that matters… powerful stories only local journalists can provide.

When was the last time you sat through a three-hour school board or town council meeting? Chances are, not recently. But a local journalist was there to report what happened and serve as a watchdog.

Your newspaper staff has an understanding and appreciation for what makes your community unique. They’re dedicated to telling the stories of people like you and your neighbors. 

Stories of joy – graduations, weddings, sports victories, church happenings and businesses – and stories of sorrow. Even through obituaries, newspapers help you honor and remember your loved ones.

There is no better time to show your support for the high-quality journalism provided by this local newspaper.

If you are a casual reader, subscribe.

If you are a subscriber, tell your friends and family to support local news.

If you own a local business, advertise.

Your newspaper depends on your financial support to remain strong.

Jen Madden & Randall Savely are Co-Executive Directors of S.C. Press Association.