The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Bring back 2nd comments

It’s way past time to add the second comments section back to the county council meeting agendas.
The second comment session has historically been at the end of the meeting agenda to allow folks to address their concerns about items of concern in the county that are not on the agenda.

There are way too many pressing needs which have not been addressed with resolutions in this past year’s agendas. The public airing of those needs by citizens may be the best avenue to start moving this county forward, since the majority four have not been able to do so.

 Current major issues that need a spotlight include specific plans for executing projects in the $99M settlement, plus others: road improvements (the current plan is not working), broadband expansion, high unemployment rate (11th highest in the state), liquidation/utilization of the $250K incinerator, affordable housing, dwindling population, a well-thought-out distribution plan for the next $2M in rescue funds, and, oh, so much more.

Citizens could have publically addressed all these issues by now and perhaps moved us forward, had Chairman Bell included a second comment section to the agenda.

While we are looking at making the agendas more productive, how about adding to the written agenda a continuing topic where – the one where the chairman devotes so much time to blaming his own failures on previous councils, Saving Fairfield, The Voice, the pro First Responders three, etc.

Let the citizens turn the lights on with a second comment section. It’s way past time.

Randy Bright
