The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

RW granted $100K for water tower

RIDGEWAY – Mayor Heath Cookendorfer announced at the Thursday, July 14 town council meeting that District 41 House Representative Annie McDaniel helped Ridgeway obtain a second $50,000 in state earmark money that will be used to paint the historic Ridgeway water tower. The $100,000 will be used to refurbish the tower with the original colors and lettering. 

Cookendorfer also told council that the forensic audit being conducted of the Town’s books is ongoing but not yet complete.

The increase in the water rate of $.581 per 1000 gallons was finalized on second/final reading for all classes of Ridgeway Water Department. It will be reflected in the billing mailed in August, according to Cookendorfer.

Council unanimously approved the final reading of the FY 2022-23 budget with General Fund Income and Expenses of $269,460 and water and sewer income and expenditure at $494,074

The Council unanimously approved a proposal to rent the Ridgeway Park ball field on N Means Street to the 3-year-old, Blythewood Soccer Club.  Blythewood Soccer Club representative Frank Cahoon explained the 8-week program would include children born 2011 to 2018 and offer weekly practices and a Saturday game.  They use Coerver Carolina for technical training for their members as well as coaching by parents.  Cahoon spoke of a significant need for additional field space due to the continued growth of the sport in the Blythewood area.  They serve Richland, Fairfield and Kershaw counties.   For more information you can contact 

Council approved hiring Ridgeway resident Roger Herring, at a cost of $100 per month, to care for the plants and shrubs in downtown Ridgeway from March 1 – October 31, for the years 2022 and 2023.  The monthly expense will include Herring absorbing the cost of plants and fertilizer.

A proposal to accept bids with reserves for both a used and new blower and motor package units from the wastewater treatment plant was unanimously approved.  

“The money we raise from these sales can go toward the purchase of a new golf cart or Gator unit for picking up trash around Ridgeway,” Cookendorfer suggested.

Cookendorfer acknowledged that town residents Phyllis Gutierrez and Charlene and Roger Herring cleaned and rearranged the upstairs and museum areas of the town hall.

Council approved request from Ridgeway resident Tina Johnson, Chair of the Ridgeway Economic Development Committee (EDC), for a Lake Wateree Day in Ridgeway on Aug. 26.  The event will  include the closing of Dogwood Avenue in front of the town hall to allow shagging in the street to occur in the evening hours.  .

Following a discussion in executive concerning the hiring of someone to man the police department that council is planning to open, council vote unanimously to hire former New York police officer, Peter Columbo, to work 34 hours a week starting Aug. 15.

Cookendorfer said it would be necessary to amend the budget in the near future to accommodate for the expenses associated with opening the police department, including the hiring of Columbo. The officer will be exclusive to the Ridgeway town limits.    

Cookenorfer said Columbo and his wife will be relocating to Ridgeway from New York.

Councilman Dan Martin was not present for the meeting. 

Next Council Meeting is scheduled for Aug. 11, 2022.