The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Truth, No Consequences

Information is power, and facts are the nuclear power plant.

What seems amazing to me is: For all the years I’ve been stating these facts no one has challenged me, or insinuated that I’m just trying to make trouble for the Jenkinsville Water Company. I suppose because I admit I am trying to expose the troubles!

I’ll leave it to you to decide what to do.

The JWC budget prepared by the Board President and two other members for 2012 was proposed to the board by stating that the actual numbers were taken from previous tax returns and records to Incorporate.

I reviewed that budget and the previous year’s tax returns and there is no way their budget was anywhere near the factual numbers, nor did it make sense.

They spend and intend to spend more money on legal support than anything else . . . What does that say?

When DHEC came to the water company, they advised the board that someone was neglectful. Who was that someone? The President, in my book. That act of negligence cost the shareholders of the water company $14,000 in fines.

What did the board do to the operations manager, whom the President said was responsible for the DHEC penalty, after they had to pay this fine and were advised he caused the neglect? He still works there and so does the President.

When we ask how the company is doing financially, we are not answered. The CPA end of the year report that was reviewed in October of 2012 was for the year 2011. Two more months and we are exactly one year late. I ran a successful business. I would be out of business and so would you if you waited 10 months for an accounting review.

There are 10 people on this board. Only one of them has a company cell phone paid for by the company. Only one person. Does anyone wonder why?

There seems to be only one special person on that board. All the rest of them are obviously a lot less than special!

Absolute power corrupts and it’s obvious there is an absolute power on this board. Year after year, he manages to influence just the right number of people to come and split the vote. Or even better, he will count the votes himself.

January is around the corner. The annual elections, I hope, will prove to see a change.

How long can serial dishonesty prevail? How many Pinocchio board members can be re-seated?

And why is it that members worthy of the board, who actually desire to serve the community, want to leave or resign after only one year?

I’m hoping that the lessons learned have actually been learned and that the community of Jenkinsville will come together and revamp the board and the company.

As for me, I’ve been getting bids on drilling a well.

I’ve lived here long enough to see how politically weak the community is. They all say they want things to change, but are unwilling to stand up and be counted.

A legacy of a community is based on the integrity of its leaders.

Need I say more?

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello