The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

For Haslett

I want to go on record as endorsing Bill Haslett for the office of Mayor of the Town of Winnsboro. As the son of a four-term Winnsboro Mayor, Bill developed an early appreciation for the importance of strong civic leadership and the value of tireless advocacy for the interests of the town.

My family has been in business in Winnsboro for many years. As a business stakeholder himself, Bill shares my view that a strong and resilient business core is fundamental to the continued welfare of our town. Starting from his first days of service on Town Council, Bill has continually reached out to me and to other business leaders for out input in making the town a more attractive and dynamic place for commercial growth and for other enterprises that will enhance our residential quality of life. In doing so, Bill has revealed to me his keen understanding of the value of strong and active communication and cooperation between local government and local business in expanding the opportunities for every citizen.

Equally important is Bill’s strong conviction that without strict fiscal discipline and greater transparency in the operation of local government, Winnsboro cannot successfully compete with the larger communities in the counties that surround it.

The challenges facing Winnsboro are not unique to small towns, but solutions to them need to include unique approaches that new leadership can bring. Successfully turning our challenges into promising opportunities requires leadership that will be brutally candid and aggressively forward-thinking. I believe that all who share my optimism about the future of our town are eager for the passion, energy and civic wisdom that Bill Haslett will bring to the office of mayor. I am very happy to endorse him for that office.

William S. McMaster, CEO

Winnsboro Petroleum Co.
