The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

We Need More Like Him

A godly man was buried in the town of Winnsboro this past week. Anyone who had the pleasure of knowing Mr. J.B. Hegler could safely say that he has gone on to receive his reward and inherit the kingdom prepared for believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. He touched the lives of perhaps thousands of people as the manager of the Winnsboro A&P – always pleasant, always smiling, always helping people in need.

In my heart are happy memories of shopping at the A&P and seeing him run a first-class grocery store with an enthusiastic spirit of love and concern for his fellow man Not only was he an excellent entrepreneur, but more important he was also a Christian who exhibited his Christianity not so much in words but in numerous deeds of love, kindness, and compassion to his fellow man, such as delivering Meals on Wheels, visiting the sick and helping the needy: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”

Though small in stature and bent with age, he stood tall in the eyes of all who knew and loved him. Mr. Hegler was highly esteemed in his church and throughout the whole town and county. The world needs more people like this good and humble man who exemplified the heart of the Gospel.

Selwyn Turner
