The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Stand United

How long will the good and decent people of Fairfield County allow the ugly faces of racism, greed and power cripple our county? How long will we allow hatred, vicious lies, delusional opinions and intentional deceit destroy the very hearts and souls of a people whose roots run deep with kinships, communities, churches and schools in our county?

How long will we accept the apparent lack of integrity that has consumed the functionalities of doing what is right and just for all our citizens? How long will the humble and trusting nature of our citizens be used against them to fulfill the proven self-serving agendas that have been displayed by some of our elected officials?

How long will we allow our emotions to cloud our thought processes because we are emotionally attached by family, community and, in some cases, churches?

Wrong is wrong and right is right . . . from the courthouse to the schoolhouse, from the schoolhouse to the church house, from the church house to our house. Wrong is wrong and right is right . . . but when we allow our emotions to control our thought process, we fail to see the difference or we choose not to.

How long will we allow ourselves to feel hopelessness and helplessness and not feel the power of our vote?

Scripture tells us that house a divided cannot stand. The Founding Fathers of this great country knew that a country divided cannot stand. As a county, I say a county cannot stand. We must work together, we must put aside the face of racism that is used as a means to keep dissention and hatred among us.

We are a County of ONE . . . from the corridors of I-77 to the back roads of what was called Dark Corners (known today as Feasterville), from the county lines of Chester, to the border lines of Newberry, Richland, Union and Kershaw counties. We are ONE Fairfield. From the revenue and risks that a nuclear plant brings to this county, we are ONE Fairfield. From the newest newborn to the oldest citizen, we are ONE Fairfield.

Let us move forward in the beginning of a new year with a new perspective. Get involved and get informed. Your vote is your voice. Stand up. Speak up. You will be heard. We will be entering into a history-making special election on March 3. This is not a recount, not a recall, but a special Election. You are important. Your concerns are important. Stand up and speak up, because united we stand!

Tangee Brice Jacobs

Candidate, County Council – District 3