The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

The Time Has Come

The time has come, some call it a reckoning others call it a responsibility!

No matter what you want to call it, the time is now for the citizens of Fairfield to hear: Who was the responsible party for the Drawdy Park fiasco? Who is responsible for cherry picking only three vendors to bid on the detention center roofing problem?

Who approved the Drawdy park project to S2 for payment without any plans or inspections? Who allowed the current procedure for requisitioning projects that are greater than $25K to be ignored?

Who gave the approval to move ahead with the 2015 budget, and gave across the board increases with no personnel reviews? When will those in charge be accountable to those empowered with authority?

Transparency is the only plausible, reasonable reaction to all the questions that need to be answered. Left unchecked and unsupervised, the fox will raid the hen house every single day. And the raids on our tax money will avariciously increase.

Fairfield County is anticipating its turn to be the next wealthiest county infused with tax and fee income. And here we are without a plan or a plausible vision for the future.

The house of Hinely has finally collapsed; the few that remain are not strong enough to hold up the crumbling roof at the detention center. We have been patient long enough; unfortunately there seems to be no valid reason to wait any longer for action to be taken.

Band-Aids will not stop the finical bleeding or the tax increases. It’s time for life saving surgery.

We have elected new intelligent, moral and, we hope, capable and worthy men to stand up and be accountable for their positions of honor in this community.

It’s time to remove those who are creating or maintaining the status quo. Mr. Pope was a temporary fix. Now it’s time for a permanent replacement.

Quality of life starts with quality leadership, it trickles down to the bottom of the barrel. Not the other way around!

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello