The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Clear as Brick

If it’s not the County Council’s short coming, then it must be the taxpayers, and if it’s not us maybe it’s the Administrator. Whoever or whatever the case is, the facts seems to be lost and the truth is nowhere to be found.

We ask for transparency and we are handed a brick. Try looking through a brick; it’s not only impossible unless you’re superman, it’s also disappointing, not to mention frustrating as these requests for transparency are endless and they continue to be virtually ignored.

We the people begged, cajoled, petitioned, appealed, solicited, pleaded for and politely requested that the recreation center to be constructed in Dawkins and the Western Fairfield area. It was approved and funded in 2014.

Now all of sudden it’s going to Jenkinsville. OMG !!! What is the problem with you people? Are they out of their minds?

Elections are coming this year and you and I and all of us need to wipe clean the slate of Council members sitting on Council for more years than is necessary. There are three seats opening up this 2016 election.

If ever there was a time for real change not just talk this is it. Say goodbye to Mr. Marcharia, Mrs. Robinson and Ms. Kinley. I wish we could say you folks have served us well. Unfortunately, it appears you only served yourselves. Well, bye-bye.

Leave on your own accord and avoid having your photos moved to the wall of shame next to other notably infamous elected Council members, who for good reason don’t show their face in the County chambers any longer.

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello