The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Forum Tells the Tale

Monday night the debate for my District 4 was in full swing. Mr. Quincy Pringle and Mrs. Bertha Goins both offered honest and direct hits.

Their opponent Kamau Marcharia never even showed up for the debate. Why get in the ring when you know you’re going to get knocked out? I am amazed that the debate questions are, in my opinion, shaded with the same old ‘Don’t ask any thing directly to the incumbent. Don’t challenge their competence. I wonder why not? This is their chance to prove themselves worthy!

Mary Lynn Kinley tried her best to sway the public that she is the best candidate in District 6. Nay, nay my friends – not so! I must say I gave that round to Gwen Harden. She knocked Kinley’s socks right off the hamster wheel. What was apparent to me was that all the candidates emphasized that it is certainly time for new blood to come into the County Council chambers and bring new ideas as well.

This election is going make the difference for sure. In my district the clear winner was and is Goins. Pringle has not been in attendance at any County Council meetings that I have attended. Although he seemed to be a straight shooter, he doesn’t know all the inside issues, which I believe only people who attend the meeting hear and understand. I have to give my vote to those who do attend the meetings and are sincere and transparent in their intention and comments. I’m voting for Goins and you should too. And Gwen Harden (candidate for District 6) is also at the meetings. Two more honest and honorable women, in their words and deeds, you cannot find.

Go to the polls on Nov. 8 and make a difference in how we operate in this community.

On critics, Teddy Roosevelt wrote: “It is not the critic who counts. . . . The credit belongs to the man/women who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly . . . who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello