The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Operate Now

Our County Council tells us they are putting a band aid on the problem by increasing salaries to just what other counties pay for life saving services. Stop! Do the surgery now, and save us the money of playing catch-up when they leave because some other county offered just a bit more.

We get what we pay for, especially with our EMS workers, paramedics and Police officers. Pay people what they deserve and base it on their effort, excellence, commitment and performance. Not on time served. Just showing up to work is not a reason for a raise.

When out-going Council members toot their own horn about all the great things they have done, maybe they ought to recognize you don’t get voted out when you’re doing great! Stay long enough to make a valuable contribution, a real difference and go out on top of your game with your name and reputation intact!

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello