The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter to the Editor: SCANA Wins, We Lose

According to the latest reports, there seems to be a plethora of winners in the proposed sale of SCANA to another utility company. State legislators are already basking in the benefits of influence peddling. The utility oversight board members will continue to drink from the good ol’ boy trough. Certainly, the stock holders will reap glorious financial windfalls resulting from the sale. You can bet the bungling SCANA executives will continue to be rewarded for their incompetence. In other words, the maleficents listed above, who for a decade perpetrated the worse scam in South Carolina history, are clear winners in the proposed SCANA sale.

The clear losers in the deal – the public rate payers who get stuck paying the continuing bill of utility incompetence, despite some bread crumbs thrown our way. The winners keep winning and we get to pay for it. Everything old is new again.

Randy Bright
