The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: WWTP Threatens Creek

My ancestors can be traced to Fairfield County more than 100 years back. I came here 20 years ago to get away from “the city” and urban sprawl. I feel that I belong here and I want to stay here. I would like to know that decision is because I choose to stay not because I can’t sell.  I was attracted to the country atmosphere, the affordability of acreage, in my case the ability to have a creek (Center Creek) on my property.

There is a mighty effort afoot to build a waste water (sewage) treatment plant that will threaten our creeks, the tranquil nature of our county and our health and safety as well as those in adjacent Richland County.  The people in and around Center and Cedar creeks oppose the discharge of sewage and industrial waste water into our fragile creek systems.

 Fairfield County has the lowest single digit unemployment rate we have experienced in years. So just who is going to work at this proposed “mega plant”? People from outside the county? So they will drive here to work in an industry that pollutes our county and take their paychecks back outside the county to spend.  This decision does not seem to be an integral part of a widely accepted strategic development plan so it results in a ready-shoot-aim approach to economic development. Destroying the landscape for those that have invested here and moved here for the lure of country life has the trappings of Mack Truck and VC Summer.

KD Reynolds
