The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: Vote Integrity for Senate

Republicans in Fairfield, Chester, and York Counties, I ask you to vote for MaryGail Douglas in the democratic primary on June 9th! Why would the Fairfield County Republican Party Executive Committeeman ask you to vote in the democratic primary? We simply have to vote out Liberal Democrat State Senator Mike Fanning.   Fanning demonstrated questionable behavior even before he was elected.  Once elected, he politically aligned himself with the Chester County Sheriff who is currently under federal indictment.  Fanning went so far as to replace local a magistrate with years of experience with his political supporters including the indicted Sheriff’s wife.  Fanning named her Chief Magistrate and she was later suspended from the bench for conflicts involving her Sheriff husband.  Fanning made loads of campaign promises that he has failed to keep and many of constituents have begun to realize his faults.  His campaign is also thousands of dollars in debt from his last campaign.  If he cannot manage his own finances, should he be involved in any way voting on the state’s finances?

Fanning tries to claim he is all for supporting education and teachers, when in fact he has aggressively lobbied against a charter school in his district at the state capital and at other educational meetings.  He does all of this while collecting a check from a questionable organization which is funded by local public schools that are against school choice.

Mary Gail Douglas is a lady of integrity who is honest and does not play party politics.  Republicans in Chester, Fairfield, and York counties, I ask you to vote for Mary Gail Douglas in the June 9th Democratic Primary.  Please note you can vote absentee in the primary and you can still vote for her republican opponent in the November election. 

The most realistic way to oust State Senator Mike Fanning from office is to beat him in the Democratic Primary.  Vote MaryGail Douglas for SC Senate 17 in the June 9th Democratic Primary. 

Kevin Thomas

Executive Committeeman

Fairfield County Republican Party