‘Twas the month before Christmas and all through the Town, everyone was getting ready for the holidays.
In Blythewood, the Christmas season begins with Carolighting at the Town Hall. This year was a little different – the tree was lit before dark, the cookies were store bought and the grounds around Town Hall were a mess with grading and gravel.
Nevertheless, the townsfolk kicked off the season just the same, and now it’s on to shopping (locally), cooking, visiting and decorating.
Next up is the annual Christmas parade on Dec. 9 at 3 p.m. And if the rumors around town are true, Blythewood’s Santa may once again ride into town atop one of his favorite mules.
Traditionally held on the second Sunday of December, the parade is always well attended, featuring bands, floats, horses, dogs tractors and dancing girls.
Parade entries and sponsorships are being accepted through Nov. 30. There is no parade entry fee, but participating units should be family friendly and be decorated for the season.
Participants must submit a parade entry form to be included in the line-up. Sponsors donating $250 or more will receive a complimentary framed, numbered, and customized print by Blythewood artist Harold Branham. Parade sponsor and entry forms are available on the Chamber website, www.blythewoodcoc.com, and Blythewood Town Hall.
The parade route starts at the corner of Oakhurst Road and Main Street (near the Fire Station), turns right onto Main Street, proceeds south and turns right onto Blythewood Road, turns right onto Boney Road and ends at Bethel-Hanberry Elementary School. Parade stands and emcees will be stationed on Main Street at the intersection of Langford Road and on Boney Road near Trinity United Methodist Church.
Grand marshal for this year’s parade is former S.C. high school and college football coach and Blythewood resident Art Baker.
For more information, contact the Greater Blythewood Chamber of Commerce at 803-712-3806 or [email protected].