Hundreds of pounds of food for the hungry in our area will be collected on Thanksgiving Day at the ninth annual Gobble Go fun run and walk to benefit Harvest Hope Food Bank. The event begins at 8 a.m. on Thursday at the front gate of the Windermere neighborhood in LongCreek Plantation.
Runners, walkers, children and even dogs are welcome to participate. The entry fee is two nonperishable food items per person. All items collected will be donated to Harvest Hope.
Participants can choose routes of 3.1, 4.4 or 5.5 miles on gently rolling roads including Columbia Club Drive and Longtown Road. The event is not timed and no awards are given.
“On Thanksgiving Day of all days of the year, it’s hard to think there are people without enough to eat,” said event organizer Jeanne Reynolds. “The Gobble Go is a celebration of our blessings while helping those less fortunate.”
Those who want to contribute food but can’t participate in the event may drop food items by the Windermere front gate that morning.