Winnsboro Town Council gave the OK to three ordinances during their regular meeting Monday night, aimed at tighter zoning regulations, greasy clogs and taxes on insurance companies.
Ordinance 110612A revises the town of Winnsboro’s zoning codes. Section one of this ordinance states that the town of Winnsboro’s zoning ordinances adopted in April of 1999 shall be repealed in their entirety and the town is to be re-zoned. New zoning includes: authority and jurisdiction, dividing the town of Winnsboro into different districts, regulating and restricting the height of buildings and other structures, regulating and restricting the percentage of lot areas that may be occupied, regulating and restricting the location and use of buildings, supplementary regulations for parking and landscaping, regulations of signs, providing for the method of administration and amendment, providing penalties for violations, defining powers and duties of the board of zoning appeals and repealing the previous zoning ordinance.
Ordinance 110612B regulates the discharge of fats, oils and grease. It is intended to aid in the prevention of sanitary sewer blockages caused by the introduction of fats, oils and grease. No later than one year after the adoption of this ordinance all establishments and users shall install grease traps or interceptors designed to limit the introduction and discharge of grease.
Finally, the third ordinance approved was ordinance 110612C, an ordinance amending business provisions for insurance companies. The ordinance amends the tax rate paid by insurance companies to 6 percent on premiums sold inside the town limits.
After the motions were approved, council members took time to recognize the planning commission for their work over the last 15 months in reviewing and revising the new zoning ordinances and regulations. Mayor Gaddy presented them with plagues and a few special words.
“I know you all have worked tirelessly,” Gaddy said. “We appreciate the hard work you’ve done and it has not gone unnoticed.”
Council kicked off Monday’s meeting by designating November as “National Hospice and Palliative Care Month.” Gaddy expressed the importance of hospice care.
“We encourage citizens to increase their understanding and awareness of care at the end of life,” Gaddy said. “We want to observe this month with the appropriate activities and programs.”
In other business the council authorized the rental of the Armory to the Moratorium on Nov. 21 and on Dec. 29. The next town council meeting is on Nov. 20.