The old saying is, ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’ but don’t tell that to the Greater Blythewood Chamber of Commerce, Fairfield Chamber of Commerce or the towns of Winnsboro, Blythewood and Ridgeway, because they’re cooking up an awesome 43-mile-long yard sale dubbed The Big Grab.
“This is an aggressive effort by our Chambers and towns to increase last year’s 25-mile yard sale to 43 miles,” said Fairfield Chamber President Terry Vickers.
The Big Grab will be a two-day event, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 6 and 7. Basically, it’s the ultimate yard sale – table after table of yard sale items along a 43-mile route that stretches from exit 24 on I-77, through Blythewood, into Ridgeway, on into Winnsboro and back to Blythewood.
The Grab is in the planning stages right now and the organizers are looking for sponsors – individual or business – willing to kick in $50 per sponsorship. The money will be used for advertising and signage at the various locations of the Big Grab.
Plans are to not only supply locations in the downtown areas of Blythewood, Winnsboro and Ridgeway where yard sale tables can be set up, but to find locations along the rural part of the route as well, Vickers said.
There will be no set up fee for yard sale participants, but they will need to supply their own tents and tables, Vickers said.
The Big Grab group also plans to invite food vendors to set up along the route. There may be a small fee involved, but any food truck or vendor is sure to make back that fee from all the hungry bargain hunters during those two days.
“We’re hoping our restaurants and convenience stores will also see an increase in business,” Vickers said.
There will be volunteer booths set up along the route to direct bargain hunters to the next locations.
The Chamber is currently taking the names and phone numbers of people interested in being a part of the Big Grab.
Denise Jones with the Ridgeway Merchants is one of the founders of the first Big Grab last year,
“The Grab was a big hit last year, especially in Blythewood and Ridgeway; it was good for Winnsboro too, but I don’t think they saw as much traffic last year,” she said.
“They will this year,” she added.
The route will be a big loop around the three towns and into the rural areas between.
The Big Grab route begins at exit 24 off of I-77. Take S.C. Highway 21 all the way through Ridgeway, then follow S.C. Highway 34 to Winnsboro. Pick up Highway 321 Business, take the right fork at the Bi-Lo to Congress Street, then turn left onto S.C. Highway 200 then to Highway 321 Bypass south through Winnsboro, to Blythewood Road and into Blythewood, Jones explained.
“We want to emphasize that when setting up their yard sale tables in the rural areas, bunch four or five groups get together. The bigger venue will mean more people will stop,” she said.
Jones, the new president of the Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce board, believes that the Big Grab will be good for local businesses all along the route.
“I think, economically, for this area — Blythewood, Ridgeway and Winnsboro — this has had the biggest overall impact of anything we’ve done.”
Jones’ vision for the Big Grab is for bargain hunters to see a “nearly continuous yard sale. This is a great opportunity for us to show off our three towns,” said Jones.
“We want to bring people to Winnsboro, Ridgeway and Blythewood and show them how charming these towns are. We want to give them a reason to come back again.”
For information about selling, buying or sponsorships, call one of the following:
Blythewood/ 803-333-8133
Ridgeway/ Denise Jones 803-337-2023
Winnsboro/ Terry Vickers 803-635-4242