BLYTHEWOOD – Three Blythewood residents have filed to run for three open seats on Town Council, according to Town Clerk Martha Weaver. Weaver said another person has turned in a partially completed filing form, but that she cannot release the name or other information until the form is completed.
The three candidates include current Councilmen Paul Moscati and Ed Garrison who are seeking re-election to their Council seats and a new face to Blythewood politics, Bryan Franklin. Moscati and Garrison are both residents of the Lake Ashley subdivision and Franklin lives in Ashley Oaks.
The last day to file for candidacy is Friday, Sept. 6 at noon. Candidates must file at the Town Hall, 171 Langford Road in downtown Blythewood. The Town’s general election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Moscati’s and Garrison’s seats are both for four-year terms. The third seat, vacated when Councilman Jeff Branham resigned to move out of state in June, is for a two-year term since Branham had served almost two years.
Citizens who want to be candidates must be qualified, registered voters within the town limits of Blythewood. The filing fee for Council is $5. For filing questions, contact Weaver at 754-0501.
Anyone wishing to vote in Blythewood’s Nov. 5 general election must be a registered voter in the Town. Those wishing to register must do so by Oct. 5.