RIDGEWAY – After a marathon executive session, Town Council capped off a 3-hour meeting on Sept. 12 by voting 3-1 to defer the first rent payments from Vesha Sanders, owner of the new Town Hall Restaurant, until Nov. 1. Councilman Russ Brown cast the lone dissenting vote.
“I just think that’s a long time,” Brown said.
Sanders opened the restaurant last week.
Prior to executive session, Council passed first reading on three updated ordinances. An ordinance banning stock and cattle from roaming at large in the town limits was updated to include a prohibition against the ownership of goats and horses within town limits and increases the fine to a $100 minimum, a $500 maximum or 10-30 days in jail.
An ordinance prohibiting prostitution was updated on first reading to increase fines to a maximum of $500 or not more than 30 days in jail. Fines for disorderly conduct were also increased to $500 maximum or not more than 30 days in jail.
As Council continues to revise the Town’s ordinances, Mayor Charlene Herring said she had researched state law regarding the operation of golf carts and has found that drivers of such vehicles must be at least 16 years old, possess a driver’s license and have insurance. That information has been passed along to the Town’s Police Department, Herring said. Last month, Herring suggested Council consider enacting an ordinance governing the operation of golf carts within the town limits, but the idea was tabled until it could be determined what superseding laws might already be in place.