Newly elected Town Councilman Eddie Baughman, right, is congratulated by his opponent, James Arnold.
BLYTHEWOOD – Two newcomers to Blythewood politics faced off Tuesday with Eddie Baughman taking home the prize almost 2-1. Baughman’s 60 votes topped write-in candidate James Arnold’s 33.
With a low turnout of approximately 6 percent, the special election primarily attracted voters from the candidates’ home precincts. Baughman, who lives in the Lake Ashley area, received 39 votes to Arnold’s 10 in Blythewood Precinct 2, where residents of the Lake Ashley area vote. Arnold, who lives in Ashley Oaks, received 17 votes to Baughman’s 8 in Blythewood Precinct 3, where residents of Ashley Oaks vote. Baughman received 11 votes in Blythewood Precinct 1 to Arnold’s 6, and Baughman took the single vote cast in the Ridgeway Precinct and the single vote cast in LongCreek Precinct.
While 95 voters signed in to vote, only 93 votes registered. Poll clerk Vertis Wilder explained that the discrepancy will be accounted for before Thursday when the election is certified.
Baughman will be sworn into office at the regular March 24 Town Council meeting. The seat has been vacant since December when Roger Hovis resigned to go to work for the Richland County Sheriff’s office.
Final Vote Tally
Eddie Baughman………….60
James Arnold……………….33
Total voters………………….95
Voter Turnout: 6%